MacWorld 1996 April
Macworld (1996-04).dmg
Shareware World
Xconq 7.0.1
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Text File
197 lines
(game-module "modern"
(title "Modern Times")
(blurb "Economics and politics of today's world")
(variants (see-all true))
(unit-type engrs (image-name "engineers"))
(unit-type cargo-ship (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type farm (image-name "farm"))
(unit-type oil-field (image-name "oil-derrick"))
(unit-type oil-platform (image-name "oil-derrick"))
(unit-type base (image-name "airbase"))
(unit-type port (image-name "port"))
(unit-type town (image-name "town20"))
(unit-type city (image-name "city20"))
(define cities (town city))
(define places (farm oil-field oil-platform base port town city))
(material-type food)
(material-type oil)
(material-type iron)
(material-type people)
(include "stdterr")
(define water (sea shallows river))
;;; Static relationships.
(table unit-capacity-x
(cities engrs 16)
(city oil-field 1)
(table unit-storage-x
(farm food 100)
(cities food 900)
(u* oil 10)
(cities oil 400)
(table vanishes-on
(places water true)
(oil-platform shallows false)
(table unit-size-in-terrain
(u* t* 1)
(farm t* 4)
(oil-field t* 4)
(town t* 4)
(city t* 16)
(add t* capacity 16)
(table terrain-storage-x
(t* oil 100)
;;; Actions.
(add engrs acp-per-turn 1)
(add cities acp-per-turn 1)
;;; Movement.
(add places speed 0)
;;; Construction.
(add engrs cp 2)
(add farm cp 48)
(add oil-field cp 48)
(add oil-platform cp 144)
(table acp-to-create
(engrs (farm oil-field oil-platform) 1)
(cities engrs 1)
(city oil-field 1)
(table cp-on-creation
(engrs (farm oil-field oil-platform) 3)
(cities engrs 1)
(city oil-field 1)
(table create-range
(engrs oil-platform 1)
(city oil-field 2)
(table acp-to-build
(engrs (farm oil-field oil-platform) 1)
(cities engrs 1)
(city oil-field 1)
(table cp-per-build
(engrs (farm oil-field oil-platform) 3)
(cities engrs 1)
(city oil-field 1)
(table build-range
(city oil-field 2)
;;; Automatic production.
(table base-production
((oil-field oil-platform city) oil (20 20 10))
(table base-consumption
(u* food 1)
((town city) food (2 10))
(u* oil 1)
((town city) oil (2 10))
(table hp-per-starve
(u* food 1.00)
(u* oil 1.00)
(table out-length
((oil-field oil-platform) oil 5)
(table in-length
(farm oil 5)
(cities oil 5)
;;; Terrain alteration.
(table acp-to-add-terrain
(engrs road 1)
(table acp-to-remove-terrain
(engrs road 1)
;;; Initial random setup.
(add city start-with 1)
(add town start-with 5)
(add farm start-with 10)
(set country-radius-min 3)
(set country-separation-min 16)
(set country-separation-max 48)
; Try to get countries on the coast.
(add (sea plains) country-terrain-min (1 4))
(table favored-terrain
(u* t* 0)
(farm plains 100)
(cities plains 100)
(cities land-t* 20)
(cities plains 40)
(table independent-density (cities plains 100))
(add land-t* country-people-chance 90)
(add plains country-people-chance 100)
(add land-t* independent-people-chance 50)
(table unit-initial-supply
(u* m* 9999)
(cities oil 400)
(table terrain-initial-supply
(t* oil 10d100)
(game-module (design-notes (
"A detailed game of modern problems."
"Scale is 1 week/turn, 50km/cell."
"(should have a many-nukes-available option)"